Thursday, October 9, 2008

If You're Coming From facebook...

...scroll on down for the information, or just save yourself some time and click on my name.

James Sheldon

However, this entry is about the stock market. Thus the red...for the color of the market these days. You know, I've waited a long time to be able to afford some stock, and hot diggity, I'm buyin' some on Friday. I'm confident the market isn't going to crash, but if it does, it's not like I won't have spent more on an overpriced dinner in NYC before.

What am I buying? Well. Let's just say it's iconoclast in American culture. That the next 5 years should let me know how wise my investment is, and the following 10 should afford the plastic surgery that I've longed desired. (Yep. Butt implants.) And there is another company that should benefit from the future of alternative and renewable energy that is selling cheap, so I think I'll begin to slightly diversify.

Anyone else investing in the downtrodden market? It's got kind of a fun, Grapes of Wrathy feel, doesn't it? (C'mon, what am I supposed to do, be depressed like the economy? I did the depression thing in college. For me, it's the best of times even IN the worst of times...yes, I know that's from A Tale of Two Cities. Hot diggity. And one more time - hot... ...diggity. No doubt.)

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