Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm rollin' in my favorite color scheme because today is my birthday.

I'm not real big on birthdays, but I am thrilled that I was able to finish up my work day before 3:00 p.m.

Truth be told, an aunt of a dear friend offered a new perspective on birthdays that I hadn't really thought of a "more often than I prefer" skeptic, you wouldn't think of a Birthday as the holiday of holidays. Yet, being an individual of great faith, it is the anniversary of the first official day that God blessed me with life. And I must say - thinking of it in that way is just grande.

It has been a good day. After midnight I got a little more writing done on a screenplay that's nearing completion. I slept well. I got a little paid writing done this morning. Kristi brought me an Inn 'N Out Double-Double, fries and lemonade for lunch. As I finished up my work Chloe got home from school - I could hear her rocking guitar hero, then she came into the room in the spirit of flea, playing in only her cotton briefs...seriously...guitar around the shoulders and cotton undies. I was a little confused, but hey, there are few bass players that you would hope your daughter would aspire to - Flea is one of them. John Paul Jones is the other. (He's also a trumpeteer, that Flea) *New Paragraph.

Dru got home and is lying in his bedroom floor with a chair on his face.

It has just been a good day!

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