Friday, September 21, 2007

It Never Rains in Southern California

I love it when it rains here. The clouds pushed in over mountains this afternoon and it reminded me of those perfect end of summer/beginning of fall Friday nights back in Missouri. Those who claim that they don't live in a climate like So Cal's because they "miss the seasons," have never sold me on such a thought. I will admit that I miss the rain sometimes, but the fun of playing in the snow was spoiled during my East Coast residence. Trudging through the NYC snow/slush, stepping in that puddle that you think is 2" deep and turns out to be about 9"... That'll quickly put a damper on a day.

So with the weather, of course I get the goods from my sinuses. I'll consider that an added bonus. This time, I have myself to thank. I've been burning the overnight oil working on a few things, and getting up early to get the kids to school and get back at it. However, this evening seems to be asking me to lay my bearded face on a small pillow and enjoy this college football battle between Oklahoma and Tulsa.

The kids and I hit a few Halloween shops today - something that is uniquely "us." Kristi hates the scary stuff. This Halloween season seems to be offering the same old same old, and the products for sale gave me no clue as to what I should be this year. Any ideas?

The evening is winning. I see a pillow smiling at me on the far end of this couch. I'll check ya later.

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