Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Harry Callahan, Party of One

I got tired of having no picture associated with my blog, so I thought a beastly .44 would suffice. It does make me think of Inspector Harry Callahan...aka...Dirty Harry for those of you unfamiliar...if you don't know who Dirty Harry is, seriously, climb out from underneath your rock, step away from the computer or at least use it to do a little research.

So'z. I'm off to the gym, where my training regimen has been more intense as of late. I've got a goal set for June 14th, and from there I'll set another for August 1st. Bottom line, I'm shooting for optimal health by fall. BUT, before I head off to the gym, I thought I'd ramble about American Idol.

All season I've liked David Cook. In truth, he's probably the first performer that I've enjoyed on the show. Last night during the American Idol finale, he was up against the smooth voiced teen, David Archuleta - you know, the kid who ALWAYS holds the mic in his left hand while gesturing with his right and tossing in occasional knee bends and closed eye vocal riffs? Yeah...him. Well, he was clearly the "favorite" last night, however lacking in diversity and texture he may be...he's 17. Anyway, I feel like I witnessed the first American Idol that was "thrown."

Now, really do I believe that David Cook threw the game? Highly unlikely, but it would just go to prove how smart I think he is. What's one thing all Idol winners have in common? A crap first album produced by an arbitrary label that comes with your Idol winning contract. Look at the biggest successes in Idol history. Though a couple ladies have gone on to success, Clarkson and Underwood, no Idol winning dude has done anything worth writing home about. And Kelly Clarkson was already frustrated with the label after record #2...

Looking at Idol success, so far Daughtry has set the bar for the gents. Didn't he finish 4th or something? Maybe 5th? All this is to say that David Cook not winning the competition would be the winningest move for his career as a musical artist. Thrown? Hmmmm...depends on your perspective. At least he'll be able to sign with a label of choice and maybe write some music instead of singing stuff from a can.

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