Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Word Play

I haven't had fun with a post in a while...and I'm writing about the financial world at present, so a little break is necessary.

I love when people say words wrong. Growing up in Missouri and with family from bayou country in Louisiana, I thought it was reserved to a few textured U.S. regions. After traveling the United States, including all four corners, as well as the Southwest's Four Corners Region, I've discovered that it is everyone. So, here's a short list, and please, feel free to suggest any I've forgotten.

All time favorites:

1. Probly. (Probably) We're probly gonna go to the store in awhile. As in...it's possible, but not proble?

2. Egspecially. Exspecially. (Especially) Am I the only one who's noticed that people actually say egspecially? Egspecially if you're probly going to the store later.

3. Bob Wire. (Barbed-wire) As if it's your neighbor's name. We put up some 48 inch posts with Bob Wire on the back 40...it probly took us all day. Now, I love Bob, but when him puttin' up wire, well, he egspecially sucks.

4. Excape. (Escape) Yep, this goes hand in hand with egspecially.

5. Supposably. (Supposedly) This is probly my all-time favorite...

6. Expresso. (Espresso) Egspecially a favorite when I go to a small coffee shop and it's spelled wrong in vibrant colors on the arbitrary chalk-board.

7. Libel. (Liable) I'm libel to probly do that there if we can get bob wire, which will supposably help on the back 40.

8. Libary. (Library) Really? Lie-berry? Maybe that's the reason you've never been able to find it in town or on campus..."Is that it? Dang...that's the library...I need the libary...stupid r's."

9. Zuology. (Zoology) Maybe I'm nitpicking, but if it were Zu-ology, it would probly need another o - egspecially if you're supposably talking about the scientific discipline.

10. Realitor. (Realtor) Really. It's Realty. Not to be confused with reality.

Well. That's all the fun I'm allowed for today. Now I must go to the DMV - someone supposably stold my license plates off my motorcylce. I went to the cops and said I thought it was probly Bob Wire, but he must of excaped while I was having an expresso down at the libary while waiting on my Realitor to call me about some property with a back 40. I'm libel to kill that Bob Wire if I ever see him again, egspecially if I find out he's really a Zuologist.


Brice said...

You're having too much fun. Get back to work.

Sheldon said...

I'm a writer...I was writing...not on a screenplay clearly

Michelle said...

You've seen the Friends episode that addresses "supposably", right?
If you haven't, the scene starts at about 3:20 on this clip.


Sheldon said...

You know, I haven't. But that's hilarious. It's universal.

Sarah said...

Been thinking a lot about this. Why? I don't know, I just do that. Any-whoo ... you missed a couple of Ozarkisms that drive me up the wall! "Warshing" instead of "washing" machine and "ruint" instead of "ruined." I hear these A LOT, and I get really irritated everytime I do!