So, my softball team - STD free! Yep, I'm in the midst of a winter season, and playing on a team called The FundaMentals. We do, in fact, play pretty good fundamental ball. The problem is, we've got a lot of baseball players now playing softball. It's like putting a baseball on a tee and saying, "don't swing unless it's close"...nobody wants to take a walk, and thus, we don't have a win. The entire league is playing for a post season tournament seed, so even if we lose every regular season game, I would feel incredibly confident about the squad we put on the field - even as the worst tourney seed. However, I don't see it happening...I think our bats will heat up on Saturday and we'll knock one into the W column. That's the way it goes for an expansion team.
A couple weeks ago, I played a set at a new venue called Grace Cafe. Appropriate for a dude that has the word GRACE inked into his left forearm. It was hosted by the Glendale Church of Christ, and the environment was fantastic...not to mention the warm reception from a forgiving audience. And who can turn down free Starbucks coffee, a spread of home made cookies and free Wi-Fi? The crowd was mixed from homeless individuals to teenage skaters, and that was a beautiful thing to see. Anyway, I'll shout through this medium the next time one is going down, and everyone can come see me what I do mediocre. Maybe within the next few months, I'll have to get a band together and melt some faces in a Christian environment!
And..........Wid Winner and The Slipstream .......... There's some footage axed into a short reel of images that I've seen. You can take my word for it, it looks amazing, and the stuff still hasn't been touched in the refining process. Needless to say, that's exciting. I'm going to do my best to get a slice of it and slap it on here...create a fanbase for this flic before we even get it finished!
Game, Set and Match! Happy VD!
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