Sunday, January 20, 2008

Where to Blog Next?

It's time to get rolling again. Working on a few posts that have been archived to present at the appropriate times. I believe I'm going to start hitting on it all...religion, politics...all those things I can tip to offend.

Still working on Wid Winner and The Slipstream and we're about to get rocking on some sweet action in the California desert, maybe in Arizona, maybe New Mexico and maybe back in Kentucky? We go where Alex tells us to go.

As of late, I've completed contractual duties with, right about the time my LSU Tigers were puttin' the super-smack on that pansy Big 10 squad from Ohio. Personally, I think the Bobcats of Ohio may have offered a better contest than the Buckeyes of Ohio State. Fo' Sho', I'm already excited to see what happens next year, when the Bayou Bengals aren't supposed to do anything... ...

As of now, I'm patiently waiting for this WGA strike to come to a close...SAG (of which I'm a member) will be following shortly if our peeps and the Producers can't come to some new and better understandings in regards to the lucrative dinero that is flowing forth from the 21st Century idiot box.

Presently, I'm still doing some writing for CKMG and thus have contributions for some pretty high profile clientele, yet you'll never see my name associated with it...which is fine by me. Absolutely fine. I am helping one of the CK project managers out with his corporate blog: green eggs and planet - I highly recommend checking it out. Other than that, yep, life has been that exciting :-) It's good, we need to renew from time to time.

Finally, sorry for shotty post-work I've done over the winter. Check back daily or every other day, and if I don't have something to offer more entertaining than this, something's very wrong, or something's very right!

By the way, if any of my two readers have any questions as to what I do, or why I do...or am I mostly crazy - please, feel free to ask.

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