"Go to right field," Matt whispers.

I almost hopped into photoshop to add some arrows to show how I ended up landing in that direction. As you can see, I was safe by TWO miles, and didn't need to bust it down the line, but I was almost completing my clockwise rotation of a full twist as the photo was taken. Keep in mind my left leg hit the bag, then the dirt, then hyperextended. It launched me like a pole-vaulter (my leg serving as the bendable pole). I landed pretty hard on my left side and slid into the grass...
Today I walked off the distance from the bag to the grass and came up with roughly 22-24 feet. I think I did a good 16-17 in the air!
MRI results on Tuesday morning. What's it gonna be?
A.) Torn ACL
B.) Torn MCL
C.) Torn PCL
D.) Torn LCL
E.) Avulsion Fracture
I have a feeling it could be a combination of the above. I believe the intense pain I feel is from an avulsion, as in my ligament has torn away slightly from the bone. I'm not sure what the ligament is called that holds your tibia and fibula together, but that general region feels like some steel wool got lodged under my skin.
It's great to see who's checking this blog out. I'll keep 'em coming on a more regular basis once September rolls around, but my plate has been full of articles for a particular "poker" affiliate, as well as being buried in the process of the re-launch of football.com - we're building content now, and I promised to bring the thunder once we get into the regular season...I'll be one of 10 analysts for the site. A lot of user participation with some prizes to be given away, and a section that will be known as "Crush The Commentator." Any football commentators and analysts you don't like? Well, this'll be your chance to drop some hammers.
Late August will put me in Kentucky playing the role of Wid Winner in a new ditty entitled, "Wid Winner and The Slipstream." The story kicks out the jams, and I'm excited to breathe life into this dude. About 10-12 days of shooting there, and then some more stuff out here in the desert and in town.
And fo' you Missouri folks...I'm gonna hop over in September or October!
Yes. I did see THE SIMPSONS MOVIE and enjoyed it immensely. I'm actually right down the road from one of the 17 Seven/Elevens that have become Kwik-E-Marts. You can't even get into the place...all a brotha wants is ONE squishy! All that being said, the movie to see (if you can find it in the middle of the country) is Danny Boyle's new film, SUNSHINE. I'm not gonna say a word, just see it!